One day, against all expectations Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. As expected, she took back the special rights of the firstborn from Ishmael and transferred them to her own son. The Old Testament says that one day Sarah saw Ishmael “making ...
One day, against all expectations Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. As expected, she took back the special rights of the firstborn from Ishmael and transferred them to her own son. The Old Testament says that one day Sarah saw Ishmael “making merry.” The meaning of the word “making merry” has never been completely clarified. Still, something about Ishmael’s behavior incited Sarah’s anger, and she demanded that Abraham throw him and his mother out of their home.
It doesn't matter what made Sarah’s blood boil. Even if nothing specific made her angry, she still had to banish Ishmael and Hagar from her home.