The story of Sarah belongs to her – yet, it also sheds light on the world of other women from four thousand years ago, who are mentioned in the Bible. The story of Sarah’s journey opens a door to the world of women in the Bible, why girls got married...
The story of Sarah belongs to her – yet, it also sheds light on the world of other women from four thousand years ago, who are mentioned in the Bible. The story of Sarah’s journey opens a door to the world of women in the Bible, why girls got married when they were eleven or twelve years old, why at the age when our daughters are still studying in elementary school, watching TV or playing on their tablets, the women of the ancient world were already married women? We'll also talk about why the Bible speaks positively of polygamy, and of course, why the status of a barren woman fell to the lowest point on the social ladder.
The Bible relates that men married wives who belonged to three classes: 'senior women' (or senior wives), concubines, and maidservants. If they took women war captives, they had children with them as well (Deut. 21:10-14). The Bible doesn’t give us an explanation of the difference between these three classes, so we’ll have to do that work ourselves.