In this episode, we tell the story of Jacob and his two wives from two different perspectives: historical and theological.
The historical part focuses on the marriage practices that were common in the ancient world and explains the reason why Jacob ...
In this episode, we tell the story of Jacob and his two wives from two different perspectives: historical and theological.
The historical part focuses on the marriage practices that were common in the ancient world and explains the reason why Jacob had to work for many years to pay the bride price for Rachel. It also explains why Rachel was considered a "senior wife," while her sister Leah had to get married with the inferior status of a "concubine wife."
The vulnerability of the barren Rachel and the reason for the hostility she felt towards her sister are also highlighted. The theological part of this episode points out that Leah was a "chosen woman," while Rachel was an "ordinary woman." Leah was chosen by God to be the ancient mother of the lineage of priests who belonged to the tribe of Levi, named after her third son, and the ancient mother of King David of the tribe of Judah.
The fact that Leah was a "chosen woman" explains why in the competition between the two sisters, Rachel always ended up losing. The struggle between the two sisters continued even after their deaths. Saul, the first king of Israel, was a member of the tribe of Benjamin, which was named after Rachel's son. However, the kingship was meant for David, whose ancient mother was Leah.