In previous episodes, we focused on the pursuer-pursued relationship between Samuel and Saul. We described how Samuel, instead of supporting and assisting the young and inexperienced king, publicly humiliated him and undermin...
This episode delves into the psychological dynamics of Samuel and Saul. The turning point in Samuel's personality—previously depicted as gentle and reserved—occurs when the tribal elders visit his home to request the appointm...
This episode presents the first meeting between two contrasting figures, whose relationship will develop into a powerful historical and psychological drama. Samuel, the experienced religious leader, reveals himself in his old...
The episode deals with the transition period of Israelite society from a tribal structure to a monarchy, because of the Philistine threat to Israelite settlements. The Philistines, who arrived in the land of Israel around 120...
This episode focuses on Chapter 4 of the Book of Samuel, introducing the Philistines and their conflict with Israel. The Philistines were ancient tribes who arrived on Israel's coast around the 12th century BCE. Initially, th...
This episode focuses on Chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Samuel, set around 1070 BCE in Shiloh, a small worship center near Jerusalem. The story details Samuel's early life under the guidance of Eli, the elderly priest. Chapte...
Our story takes place in Shiloh in the year preceding Samuel's birth. Shiloh was a small settlement with a small worship center, to which Elkanah, Samuel's father, and his two wives, Peninnah and Hannah, used to come every ye...
The Bible opens with two creation stories describing how God created the world, to which we dedicated the previous two episodes (16 and 17). The first tells how God created the world over six days, and how He sanctified the …
The Book of Genesis tells of two different creation stories. One focuses on the world's creation in six days and the sanctification of the seventh day, on which God rested from His work of creation. In the previous episode, w...
The Book of Genesis opens with two stories that tell how God created the world. The first recounts that God created the world in six days and sanctified the seventh day since He rested from the work of creation. The …
The Book of Ruth is considered the most beautiful story in the Bible and one of the most beautiful short stories ever written. Ruth's story takes place around 1100 BCE when Israeli society was still tribal. A tribe was a …
The Book of Ruth is considered the most beautiful story in the Bible and one of the most beautiful short stories ever written. Ruth's story takes place around 1100 BCE when Israeli society was still tribal. A tribe was a …
The Book of Ruth is considered the most beautiful story in the Bible and one of the most beautiful short stories ever written. Ruth's story takes place around 1100 BCE when Israeli society was still tribal. A tribe was a …
Summary for the series dedicated to the story of Judah and Tamar Book of Genesis Chapter 38 Chapters: 10-12 Tamar was about 11 years old when she married Er, Judah's firstborn son. Shortly after their marriage, God put Er to …
Summary for the series dedicated to the story of Judah and Tamar Book of Genesis Chapter 38 Chapters: 10-12 Tamar was about 11 years old when she married Er, Judah's firstborn son. Shortly after their marriage, God put Er to …
Summary for the series dedicated to the story of Judah and Tamar Book of Genesis Chapter 38 Chapters: 10-12 Tamar was about 11 years old when she married Er, Judah's firstborn son. Shortly after their marriage, God put Er to …
The stories of the Bible, especially those in the Book of Genesis, are very concise, and we discussed the reason for this in episode 5.For the stories to convey more than the words written in them, the writers of the …
In this episode, we tell the story of Jacob and his two wives from two different perspectives: historical and theological. The historical part focuses on the marriage practices that were common in the ancient world and explains the reason why …
The story of Sarah belongs to her – yet, it also sheds light on the world of other women from four thousand years ago, who are mentioned in the Bible. The story of Sarah’s journey opens a door to the …
One day, against all expectations Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. As expected, she took back the special rights of the firstborn from Ishmael and transferred them to her own son. The Old Testament says that one day Sarah …
When Sarah lost all hope of having her own child, she gave Abraham her servant Hagar, so that Abraham would have a son through her. Sarah intended to recognize Hagar's son Ishmael as her own son, and to give him …
According to the biblical story, God gave Abraham the mission to go on the journey, and so Abraham is the hero of the journey. God didn’t give Sarah any mission, so she was relegated to the sidelines. The main thing …
Twenty years is a very long time to be on the roads – but they fit into one lifetime, just as the Bible says. As soon as we’ve proved that the journey passes the feasibility test, we can rule out …
Our goal in episode 2 is to understand what hides behind the names of settlements through which Abraham and Sarah and their family traveled? In order to answer these questions, we opened atlases and calculated the distance between the places …